Friday, September 10, 2010

Working it out

Okay so since I have been pretty sedentary for the last couple of years I am starting my work outs off slow. Since I had my youngest daughter my body seems to be taking a little longer to adjust back and by that I mean my pelvic bone is stiff and my hip joints as well as just about every other joint in my body. I used to do Tae bo when I tried to get in shape but I know I cannot jump into that one right now. This time around I am opting for Leslie Sansone and starting with simple walking, although her workouts seem to kick my ass this is still as simple as I can get. I started out mid week with the 2 mile and today (friday) I was going to skip it because my muscles and joints felt sore but instead at 11am I felt less sore so I did the walk and jog dvd I have by leslie sansone. Apprently this is the equivalent of a 2 and a half mile workout. So I am sitting here sweating lol but soon as I am done I am going to shower - I just hate showering while I am so hot cause then I seem to still sweat when I am done showering so I rather cool off a little first.
Now I will not do any videos this weekend but instead I might take the kids out for a long walk at some point. I am also waiting for a beginners yoga video to help me along with stretching out my muscles and getting them ready to increase my workouts. I did some research and found some inexpensive dvd's on ebay but instead of buying them blindly I searched them on you tube and this way I would not be wasting money (since my budget is on a diet too) and purchased exactly what I am looking for in a yoga video. So hopefully this comes today or tomorrow and I can try it over the weekend. Once I have the yoga I plan to walk during the day with Leslie Sansones video and then do the Yoga at night.
As of my last weigh in which was Wednesday I weighed 192 lbs ( I can't believe I am posting this online haha) I also took some pictures I will be posting later on once I upload them.
I hope to find some people on here that are like me and want to loose some weight. I don't  have a goal weight but I am a size 14 now which is tight on me and I would ideally like to be comfortably in a 9.
So this is the beginning of my journey to workout at least once a day and make smarter healthier meal choices.


  1. Yoga is a great work out in it self. I have done yoga for a few years. If you are in search for good yoga videos I recommend Rodney Yee video. Buying them can get pretty expensive. Netflix has a collection of yoga videos and even a couple that you can stream to your PC.

  2. OOO Good Idea! Thank you, I will check it out. I tried yoga once before but it was probably a bit advanced for me because I got overwhelmed by it. This time I spent like a hour online looking at yoga previews before I settled on one. I didn't even know where to start, thanks for the advice I will check it out on Netflix.
