Sunday, October 10, 2010

Feels like Autumn!

I so love this season, but it is a horrible time to diet lol everything pumpkin and delicious. So I have set aside the diet not that I was 'dieting' but trying to cut out sweets and all is just a waste of time for me right now. So instead I am just going to try and do my walking away the pounds videos a few times a week and after the holidays I might resume the food thing. I am thinking of joining something at that time like weight watchers.
Now I am on to finding a way to making money from home, I want to sell things on ebay but I prefer to sell something I like and I can stand behind rather then just grabbing a bunch of junk and selling it. So I am doing some research and hopefully can find some great stuff.
I am still considering joining avon or mark and selling that but as broke as I am I cannot afford to waste money buying into something that won't pay off.
So I will be back with good news hopefully and if anyone happens to read this blog and can offer some suggestions, I welcome them!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hello Again...

I was MIA for a while, I had a birthday! and I fell off the wagon. Boredom is my worse enemy. One thing that has not changed  is that I do not have fast food everyday but my snacking of course is another story. I snack every night when my kids are in bed, since that is my TV alone time but it's got to stop.
I will not just give up because I fell off, I am starting again tomorrow so we will see what happens.
Tomorrow morning I am going to get working on a schedule where I plan out certain things like meal times and a time to work out and I will make myself adhere to this because when I don't have it planned out it gets away from me.
I really hate dieting .. takes so much thought and my mind is always on something else.
Okay well it's late so I am off to bed before my little wakes up.
talk soon!~

Monday, September 13, 2010

Good Morning Monday!

Well here is monday and I have to be honest I was looking forward to my workout. That is Definitely NEW for me lol - I was looking forward to it because I decided to go ahead and try the TaeBo dvd Postnatal workout done by Billy Blanks daughter Shellie and it was PERFECT, very nicely paced I worked up a good sweat doing it, I didn't finish it. She had it broken in sections, 5 sections I think and I did the first 3 and a part of the 4th and a part of the 5th. The reason is because the 4th part was lower body and by that point my knee was starting to get sore so I did the exercises I could do and the ones I thought would be hard on the knee I didn't do like the lunges that is where I stopped lower body. The last section is cardio and I did about half of that and stopped at the grapevine section. I work on a small window while my 7 month old is sleeping and my 2 yr old is content watching a movie. So I am happy that I feel like I got a good work out and I think I will do this every other day so basically Monday, Wednesday and Friday and the other days I will do the walk away the pounds videos.
So my Birthday is this week(Thursday) so on Wednesday and I plan to get a massage since the kids are with their dad. I think a Massage would feel awesome right about now.
I go to Healing Hands in Bethlehem and I LOVE it there, I am generally a little shy about massages and all but this place is really great, I love the ambiance there and the people are always super nice. It is not an establishment full of hot bodies or ritzy people who have nothing better to do but pamper themselves, it is usually pretty quiet and peaceful and it seems to make me feel comfortable just walking in. It is clean, soothing and very welcoming. I have taken a few people there for massages as gifts for their birthday and they all love it too - so it is a wonderful place for everyone.
Well here is a pic of me Post workout ... that shower behind me was screaming my name haha and it felt great!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Why hello there feet...

So I did my Yoga dvd last night with my 13 yr old and well.. I watched this before I bought it but I didn't actually try the moves and with yoga things always seem easier then they are. It seems pretty hard for a person with a belly like mine to get into some of these positions. I am doing yoga for the stretching not to loose weight so some of these contortions they had me getting into were making me feel worse about myself. I have the cardio  workout early in the day so I really just want a nice relaxing stretch in the evenings and I am thinking maybe I should look for a meditation/yoga type of video.
I also decided to do my Taebo postnatal video I have, I think that might be a good pace for me so I am going to at least try it out. Monday I will do the postnatal workout video and see how that feels.
I got my butt in gear today and got some of the stuff I need to sell together and took pictures and I will list them on ebay today, I am so lazy when it comes to this and I hate the fact that I have to pay to list things and then they don't sell .. that irritates me but I guess that is the name of the game. I sell alot on craigslist but somethings are just better on ebay.
So this weekend I was pretty good food wise, like I said I am not about a big diet but more about small changes so I am successful in this at least.
Well I am off to do some work online.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Working it out

Okay so since I have been pretty sedentary for the last couple of years I am starting my work outs off slow. Since I had my youngest daughter my body seems to be taking a little longer to adjust back and by that I mean my pelvic bone is stiff and my hip joints as well as just about every other joint in my body. I used to do Tae bo when I tried to get in shape but I know I cannot jump into that one right now. This time around I am opting for Leslie Sansone and starting with simple walking, although her workouts seem to kick my ass this is still as simple as I can get. I started out mid week with the 2 mile and today (friday) I was going to skip it because my muscles and joints felt sore but instead at 11am I felt less sore so I did the walk and jog dvd I have by leslie sansone. Apprently this is the equivalent of a 2 and a half mile workout. So I am sitting here sweating lol but soon as I am done I am going to shower - I just hate showering while I am so hot cause then I seem to still sweat when I am done showering so I rather cool off a little first.
Now I will not do any videos this weekend but instead I might take the kids out for a long walk at some point. I am also waiting for a beginners yoga video to help me along with stretching out my muscles and getting them ready to increase my workouts. I did some research and found some inexpensive dvd's on ebay but instead of buying them blindly I searched them on you tube and this way I would not be wasting money (since my budget is on a diet too) and purchased exactly what I am looking for in a yoga video. So hopefully this comes today or tomorrow and I can try it over the weekend. Once I have the yoga I plan to walk during the day with Leslie Sansones video and then do the Yoga at night.
As of my last weigh in which was Wednesday I weighed 192 lbs ( I can't believe I am posting this online haha) I also took some pictures I will be posting later on once I upload them.
I hope to find some people on here that are like me and want to loose some weight. I don't  have a goal weight but I am a size 14 now which is tight on me and I would ideally like to be comfortably in a 9.
So this is the beginning of my journey to workout at least once a day and make smarter healthier meal choices.

The Great Debate

I am trying to figure out which is better Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig. The new ad weight watchers has seems to have gotten my attention. My biggest problem is that I do not like anything complicated. I suppose the reason my weight got out of hand is because I looked for ease and found it at McDonald's or any other fast food place I drove past. What is driving me to change is the fact I am a mother of 3 and I need to be a good example for them. My mother has diabetes and I do not want this to be something passed through my family. I would also like to be able to run and play with them without worrying about pulling a muscle or looking like humpty dumpty chasing my kids. I did post a question on to see the general consensus on which diet plan is easier and so far I have one response and it was for Weight Watchers. I don't know if I want to do that or just modify my diet myself. I like to cook so I might get bored with buying prepared food. I would like to gather some Healthy recipes that use common ingredients. It might take some work finding them but I would like to compile them here. With 3 kids it is not easy to sit around and count calories and all that comes with diets. It needs to be quick and easy and something I can enjoy eating. So far I have changed to having whole wheat bread and I cut out having alot of junk at night.
So the journey begins... I am off to do some more research on weight watchers and jenny craig. I will see if I rather do them or just make my own diet.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

This is where I am...

but how did I get here?, well that is what I am here to figure out if I can and maybe really get to a place I want to be.
Let me start off by introducing myself, my name is Dawn. I am a 33 yr old single mother of three beautiful girls that I adore.
I created this blog just as a way to sort of track my life. I realized lately that I have gotten to this place in my life and I look back and wonder if I have lived my life or if I let my life live me. I am a person who can sometimes sit back and let alot of decisions in my life make themselves and that is something I have to work on.
First things first, I am starting over and trying to make my own path.
I have some goals, like I need to loose some weight and find the me buried under all my mommy pudge. This is the pudge I gained since being a mommy and I have never taken the time to focus on and really control. Another goal of mine is to get myself into a field that I can enjoy and have a place in, rather then just working at any job that will pay me enough. The last goal I have for now is to get myself financially fit as well as physically fit. So my life is in a total overhaul status right now and I really just want to focus, prepare and make smart decisions.
In this blog I plan to document all the things I try and what works for me and what doesn't.
This is my first time making a blog and I am not sure if I will do it right but well.. I guess if anyone is watching they can see me learn and if not - Then I can watch as I learn haha.
I will be back with photos to document weight loss, Recipes for the common cook, my own venting sessions I'm sure will be on here too and my updates on getting myself into school.