Friday, September 10, 2010

The Great Debate

I am trying to figure out which is better Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig. The new ad weight watchers has seems to have gotten my attention. My biggest problem is that I do not like anything complicated. I suppose the reason my weight got out of hand is because I looked for ease and found it at McDonald's or any other fast food place I drove past. What is driving me to change is the fact I am a mother of 3 and I need to be a good example for them. My mother has diabetes and I do not want this to be something passed through my family. I would also like to be able to run and play with them without worrying about pulling a muscle or looking like humpty dumpty chasing my kids. I did post a question on to see the general consensus on which diet plan is easier and so far I have one response and it was for Weight Watchers. I don't know if I want to do that or just modify my diet myself. I like to cook so I might get bored with buying prepared food. I would like to gather some Healthy recipes that use common ingredients. It might take some work finding them but I would like to compile them here. With 3 kids it is not easy to sit around and count calories and all that comes with diets. It needs to be quick and easy and something I can enjoy eating. So far I have changed to having whole wheat bread and I cut out having alot of junk at night.
So the journey begins... I am off to do some more research on weight watchers and jenny craig. I will see if I rather do them or just make my own diet.

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