Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year, New Outlook

Well, I am back.
I woke up in a strange way today, I feel like cleaning the Cobb webs off my ass and doing some things.
I am also dealing with some weird feelings, I am single and have been for a while. I generally have this feeling that relationships are over rated and not for everyone. Lately though, I realize the amount of personal friends I have is really kind of low as well. So either those relationships are over rated too or this has to do with me.
I know I am picky, I am picky with romantic relationships as well as  platonic relationships. I just don't like to be around people who I don't really trust or who I feel just don't gel with who I am.  I also have to be honest and say that I tend to be super anti social.
The only relationships I tend to care about or put any time or energy into is the relationships I have with my children. I also don't see anything wrong with that, but I suppose it would be nice to have a friend or two that I actually speak to. People to trust and raise my kids around.
Alot of this comes from the fact that some of the friends I did invest in, turned out to be a waste of time. I feel like friendships (as well as relationships with men) should not be hard, they should come natural and easy.
So anyway, today I decided to start my walking videos again. I am not going to hold myself to a strict schedule because I know that will back fire, soon as I miss a work out I will get down on myself and just dump the whole plan.
Day by day, I hope to restructure my life. Get myself in decent health, straighten out my financial issues and be the best mother, friend and person I can be.
Lets see what 2011 holds for me.


  1. Hey girl. I am the same way with friends. I have a lot of associates that I really like, but when it comes to going out and investing time, Im not that interested alot of the time. I realize that the are good for a quick laugh here and there, but there is no meat to the relationship so they never cross over into the real friend zone. I plan on making more of an effort to give folks a chance this year and see what happens.

    So I decided that I am going to run. Ive always said I wanted to but didnt do a whole hell of alot about it. Check out this site c25k.com seems easy enough to try.

  2. You are?! Well Very brave of you! I can't do that stuff until I loose some weight it is too much on my knee. I am suppose to walk at NO incline my doctor said until I loose some weight then I can switch it up.
    I think friends are really hard to come by, some people just don't get you and I feel like I shouldn't have to explain my motivation behind everything to someone if you don't get me then we should not associate you know.
    I don't think I am a bad person but to some people who are hell bent on being victims, I guess you just can't win. It amazes me how people can be and it makes me completely turned off towards friendships. There are some right fits but they are hard to come by. I don't know whats harder to find a good man,job or friend haha
