Friday, October 12, 2012

FINALLY a way to get someone OFF your Pinterest TIP

Okay okay so I had a person that was previously a (and i use the term very lightly) 'friend', we parted ways to say the least and I was able to block them from my Facebook and everything else BUT they remained a FOLLOWER of mine on PINTEREST, now Pinterest is my happy place, it is my little dream treasure chest where I store all my wishes.
Well I searched high and low looking for a way to remove someone from my 'Follower' list and couldn't find an answer until NOW!
I stumbled on it myself actually, now maybe this is a new feature, I don't know but I thought I would share the wealth!
Go to your 'Followers' list of people following you, find the creeper and go to their page by clicking on their name, in the center box under their name to the right side you will see a flag, It looks greyed out but you can click on it.
It will give you a drop down, it has all the reasons to report the person then at the bottom it gives you the option to Block the person ... (this is where I heard angels sing)
It verifies that you understand you cannot follow each other and you select HELL YES ... or 'Block' as it is, then you are done... FREE and you do the happy dance.
Your welcome! haha If this is old news, well ...sorry but it made my DAY

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