Let me elaborate, I will use these an example of my most recent experiences. One is with a 'friend' that was always a very self centered person, I knew it but there was a really nice side to being friends with her and that was she knew how to listen - that is huge for me I love having someone to call and just ramble on to, it helps me figure out what i want to do if I can talk to someone about it. Now we were friends for a very long time and I had a car I was getting rid of, I let her assume the loan on it. BIG mistake, she (around the same time got a boyfriend) was already onto bigger and better things then our friendship. So once she had the outside influence of other people she managed to see herself as a victim, in her mind she was doing me a favor. I don't know how because she paid the exact amount the payment was for, I made nothing off of the deal. In the end she stopped paying and the car was repossessed. Fast forward to today, I had some income issues and had to get rid of my vehicle that was almost paid off, i went for a cash car but it was very tight with the kids and all so I knew it was temporary. I eventually got into another car (like I spoke of in my previous post) and that was a major headache, so I got my dad to help me out and co sign (first time in my life he was willing to do so - I guess this means I am growing up!) and when I was applying no one would help me because of her(or my if you are looking at it this way) repossession, even though when I got rid of my own truck I had it paid off by a dealership. In the end I got one place to approve me, but they added this balance onto my new loan. So I am paying on the car she walked away from, I also helped her get cleared of tickets that would have cost her over 800 bucks in that car, I had to drive a hour to go to court and defend it since I was the technical owner of the car I would have gotten the ticket but she knew she would have to pay it, in the end no one had to because I showed up and defended it. Now the balance on that repo was 811, in addition I have HUGE interest on this loan so the right thing to do would be for her to at least offer to pay half of it, she just said wow that sucks. -- Thanks friend--
There is so much more to that story but It would take me a week to type so in the end, I am just disappointed that even now around tax time when I know she will have the money she still just can't be a 'friend'.
I just feel like, finding true friends shouldn't be this hard - is it me? or is society overflowing with these kind of people?
I look around me and I see I have about 100 people on my FB page, I read their posts some of their opinions or statements offend me a little but I just turn the other cheek because even though it is not directed at me it is still somewhat offensive towards me.
I just feel so .. alone sometimes, like what does it take to find genuine people - people who aren't so selfish, people who don't spend so much time judging other people, or those who sit around and stay friends with someone just to have access to their info and then bash them behind their backs, or people who only are happy to talk to you when something horrible happens to you so they can get the story cause their lives are so boring on their own.
I see people talk about single moms, or lower income people, or other things that would apply to me and I think wtf are they thinking? I try and not post things like that because I don't want to ever offend someone I like, but other people just don't seem to have that consideration.
Other then one person I know for sure of, do I have any friends? other then my kids and parents and that one friend is there anyone who just likes me for me and wants to be friends with me and is able to wish me well? i just don't know, sometimes it doesn't appear that way.
Maybe I should delete the people I don't find genuine but then I wouldn't have anyone on my page really... it is just troubling. I wish I was a person surrounded with people who love me and really wish me well, and a husband who loved me and was honest and a best friend to me. Instead I just run into people who are transparent, selfish, gossip too much, are people I just don't respect people who can't be a friend to anyone else cause they are too worried about keeping up with the Jones' or are so self involved all they see in every accomplishment one person makes is something they feel they should have been more entitled to.
It makes me sick, it makes me sad and sometimes I wonder what kind of place is this?
Or is it me...